Just 2 sisters with an idea.

Amanda, Co-Founder

Mental health is everything. Without a healthy mind and a kind self-esteem, it may not be easy to feel your best in life. While experiencing a negative mental mindset myself, I found the power in subtle words of affirmations, and positive phrases. Reading, saying, and believing in positive words while focusing my energy on myself has helped me grow with a greater appreciation of myself and my life. I’ve also always had a passion of supporting my friends and family. I’m the type of person who eagerly wants to check-in on others, simply by sending a text like, “Hey, how are you?” or “How did your exam go?” I turned that passion into an outlet that always supports and checks-in on you, For You Crew.

Ariana, Co-Founder

As a backstory, I grew up alongside my twin and my three older siblings who I’m so fortunate to call my best friends. My understanding of ‘you’ initially became blended with my siblings - I’m the fourth sibling, the baker, the one with the best handwriting, and laughably, the subpar driver. As I paved my path with time, I focused attention to myself by growing my interests, building my friendships, starting my career, and ultimately, pursuing things for me. I enjoy living for myself on a day-to-day, and doing so promotes healthy mindsets. I value this positive perspective and believe that caring for myself means extending that care to others. To whoever received my randomly timed video calls, written cards, or check-in messages, to whoever is reading this, I’m always here for you. And, so is our crew.